Exploding Trends lets you discover the latest emerging trends related to publicly traded companies.
It tracks and analyzes trending terms like social media hashtags, websites, and search keywords, providing real-time insights from hundreds of thousands of data points.
Constantly updated through crowd-sourced keywords from our user base, the dataset grows stronger as more users engage, giving you a cutting-edge advantage.
25 months of daily web traffic data updated bi-weekly.
3 years of monthly TikTok mention data updated weekly.
5 years of bi-weekly Google search data updated bi-weekly.
1 year+ of daily sub-Reddit post data updated weekly.
25 months of daily historical mobile app usage data and top chart ranking data updated bi-weekly.
16 months of monthly Amazon search volume estimates updated monthly.
5 years of bi-weekly YouTube search data updated bi-weekly.
Custom terms and values of all types can be added. Institutions can request new custom data sources.
We've created a process that automatically connects keywords, social media terms, websites and more with financial market tickers and companies. Using advanced algorithms and machine learning, we scan data to provide insights into market trends and movements.
This creates the Google Search of Alternative Data!
Discover the latest shifts in public opinion and behavior patterns by analyzing social media and internet trends, helpful for market research.
Monitor competitor performance, social marketing campaigns, and consumer interest.
Track consumer behavior and preferences through online shopping data, search trends, and review analytics to predict market demand and product success.
Aggregate and track government, news and economic data to anticipate and monitor economic health and activities.
Stay up to date with the latest current events and extract valuable insights on a granular scale.
Anticipate political outcomes and policy changes by analyzing public opinion and social media trends.